
Sep 18 2015

Please Help!

This week has been an eye opener for SART. We did the courtesy posting for the kitty that needs to be rehomed. Over 1000 people read our post and we had one lovely person inquire about her suitability into their home. This shows me how there are so many more deserving cats that need homes than there are homes available. This explains why we have over 350 cats and kittens at the shelter that would make wonderful pets for good homes, and yet they sit. This shows me how people still find the answer is to dump their issue onto others. We have received three little ones dumped here this week due to people shucking off their responsibility onto others. And yet, we care for all these creatures every day like they are our personal pets. And it costs money. Funds go quickly and we are in need. If you are willing and able please consider donating to our wonderful organization. All money goes to the care of the cats. We are all volunteers at SART and so all of everyone’s donation goes to food, supplies, repairs, cleaning supplies, etc. to help keep everyone healthy and happy at SART. Please help!

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