The three cats pictured above belong to an elderly couple who love and care for them very well. This couple has had to go to nursing facilities, not doing very well, and the family needs to find new homes for the cats before the end of the year. The cats do not need to go together – three homes, two homes or one would do! We do not have a safe place for them at SART right now because we are so full, and so we are trying to help find them a new home from the home they are in – this is so much better and less stressful for a cat from a home, rather than having to come to SART with the crowd and try to adjust. This is the season of giving and receiving, and we so need to find good homes for them. If you can open your home to one of these animals, or know of someone that would, please let me know so that we can make arrangements. They are all well mannered, litter trained, friendly and healthy. We are going to be sure their inoculations are updated and that all is good before they travel to their new home. Opening your home to a mid-aged cat is such a kind gesture – SART has over 200 of this age group and they are always so happy They are great to adopt because they appreciate anything you do for them. Unfortunately, not many people open their homes to this age group….but what a gift – please open your homes to these three so that they have a safe place!
Posted in: Announcement, Donation, Emergency, News