Our kitties love coupons!
We are struggling to purchase cat food for our shelter. Unfortunately, we are having to use a portion of donations for this purpose. So, we got a good price for the food, and are diligently searching for coupons to help cut the cost. At this time you can call a phone number and ask for coupons to be sent to your home. You will receive 2 $1.00 coupons for Purina Complete for cats. When you receive the coupons, please pop them in the mail for SART at PO Box 146, St. Marys, Ohio. $1.00 off of each bag of food that we are having to purchase to feed our 325 cats and kittens will help us afford what we need to purchase. Thank you for supporting us by this little step – it will make a huge difference for us. The phone number is 1-888-228-2469. Please take a moment to make the call. It is very simple and each household can ask for these coupons. Ask your friends to help as well to help SART feed their residents. Remember, anything is everything!
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