Linda Lamb, principal of Concord Elementary School in Troy, Ohio, happened to see SART on the news after the flood. She went to school and talked with her students and they decided to do a fundraiser for us called “Quarters for Kitties”. Amanzingly, they raised $500.00 for us! Sam and I took an afternoon and drove down to Troy to meet with these students and Mrs. Lamb, introduce them to one of our shelter kittens, answer questions and encourage them in their care and support of animals. It was so wonderful to see the caring attitudes of these children – they are the adults who will hopefully enjoy the benefits of all the hard work shelters do to get the over-population in check for cats and dogs so that every cat and dog will have a loving home. It will happen – education is key. If every person who owns a pet would spay/neuter their pet, and if every person would adopt one wonderful shelter animal, think what a dent it would make in correct our problem in this country!
Concord students, Mrs. Lamb, Sam and I
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