
Jun 02 2010

Fund Drive for Additional Cages

We have taken in several litters of kittens, some were hand fed, some are products of receiving in very pregnant mothers, and some are rescues we were able to handle.  It is very important to keep these litters separate as they grow so that they do not cross-expose other litters with particular conditions that might exist.  While they are very little, large dog cages work well to keep momma and babies content and safe.  But, like all babies, our kittens are growing very rapidly, and we are seeing a need for larger cages to accommodate our little families to keep them safe.

We have already purchased 4 large cages that we can be in with the kittens to socialize, work with, and allow them space to run and play as they develop their motor skills and social skills.  They work wonderfully for these situations as there is room, and it is easier to litter train, and keep everything categorized within their home to teach good habits.

We desperately need to purchase 4 more of these wonderful cages, and so are asking for donations to help with the expense that this will incur on our shelter funds.

If you would be willing, and feel pulled to help us keep everyone healthy, happy and safe in our nursery, you could donate money toward this particular need. Donating through this website is easy and your information is safely secured by Paypal. Alternatively, you can send donations marked for the cage purchase to us at:

P.O. Box 146
St. Marys, Ohio 45885.

Click here to donate
Donate for Cages

We are in a situation where we need to get this done due to the large volume we have been able to rescue and need to care for.  We are doing well, but know that the extra room is necessary for their healthy development.  Please consider donating for this very worthwhile project.  The cages will be used in many situations down the road as well when the nursery is not as full.  It will be a good commitment on your part in helping our strays receive the care they deserve!

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